Fix your vehicle and protect the environment

Staying on top of regular maintenance keeps your vehicle running better for longer. Glenwood Auto are Trusted Saskatoon Auto Repair Experts, and we're ready to help you with all your maintenance needs. In our latest  Saskatoon auto-tip, we recommend that you fix your vehicle and protect the environment.  


Fix your vehicle and protect the environment: every little bit counts!

As we go about our daily routines, many of us consciously make small decisions that we know make a big difference to our environment, like recycling or turning off lights when we leave the room. Every little bit counts but did you know this is especially true when it comes to our vehicles, which emit greenhouse gases when burning fuel?

According to Environment Canada, passenger cars and light‐duty trucks produce 13% of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in Canada and the average light‐duty vehicle produces roughly three times its weight in COevery year. That adds up to a lot of emissions in a vehicle’s lifetime. Fortunately, there are some things you can do throughout the life cycle of your vehicle to reduce its carbon footprint:

Buy Smart!

When purchasing a new vehicle, do your research. In addition to considering size, style and cost when making a purchase, consider the gas mileage and “green” features of a vehicle. Buying a more environmentally friendly car will not only help reduce your GHG emissions will also help you save money.

Maintenance saves money!

Paying too much at the pump? Simple vehicle maintenance like keeping your tires inflated properly can save you up to 4% on fuel and fixing serious mechanical problems can save you up to 40%. All of that and you are reducing your vehicle’s COoutput!

Part Replacement – the Ultimate Opportunity to Reuse!

Over time, parts wear out and need to be replaced, and in many cases, you can buy remanufactured parts rather than new. Remanufactured parts work just as well as new parts, but tend to be less expensive and are better for the environment because less energy and raw materials are required to produce them.

Don’t be hasty!

Believe it or not, your driving behaviour has a big impact on your GHG emissions. Aggressive driving can increase your fuel consumption by up to 40% and speeding increases the amount of gas you use by up to 23%. By slowing down and driving less aggressively, you can significantly reduce your COemissions and stay safer on the road.

So why not make a new commitment to reduce, reuse, recycle and repair? For more tips on how to keep your vehicle running green, visit

 If you need Saskatoon auto service you can trust, book an appointment today.