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Category Archives: Auto detailing

Glenwood announce their Christmas contest winner and a surprise!

Glenwood announce their Christmas contest winner and a surprise!

  In December on our Glenwood Facebook page we ran a ' contest' where we asked people to nominate someone in their lives who deserved a treat ..we had many entries from all walks of life and it was hard to choose the winner Denise, who nominated her Father for the $289.95 auto detailing package - see the post below.     The Glenwood Auto were thrilled to be able to give away this prize to such a deserving recipient. ...thank you for taking the time to be NICE and nominate him Denise!  We know that to many out there that a $289 auto detailing package would be considered a real luxury item.  The times in some industry sectors are not that good right now in Saskatchewan, many people are struggling to make ends meet. Lets face it,  you never know what's around the corner when it comes to he ... read more


Auto detailing