Most of us rely very heavily on our vehicles in our day to day lives. When you do have an unexpected mechanical problem, it does more than inconvenience you - it can bring your schedule to a complete stop! When this happens, you NEED a professional to get you rolling again, but what you WANT is to be dealt with honestly. You want to know what is wrong with the vehicle, what needs to be done and what it will cost. At Glenwood Auto Service, we are committed to providing you exactly that.
Your vehicle will be professionally diagnosed and top quality parts will be installed by technicians with years of experience that you can trust. Follow the link our promise!
Glenwood are Trusted Saskatoon Auto Repair & Service specialists
Keeping a full tank keeps your car healthy. Running your vehicle low on gas or running out of gas completely can cause serious fuel line problems - and that running low can be detrimental, as well. Running out of gas in a fuel injected car can allow small particles of dirt, sediment and rust that are concentrated at the bottom of the gas tank, and when the fuel pump sucks them up, some of that dirt can work its way past the fuel filter, into the injectors. A clean fuel filter and new filtration technologies can help to minimize the dangers of running consistently low on gas. It is best to always fill your fuel tank when it gets to the quarter full mark on your fuel gauge.
Waiting until your gas tank is empty or almost empty before filling up can be pricey, could be dangerous and downright inconvenient. “While the cases are rare, there is real potential of a costly mechanical problem. The gasoline acts like a coolant for the electric fuel-pump motor, so when you run very low, this allows the pump to suck in air, which creates heat and can cause the fuel pump to wear prematurely and potentially fail.
Here are some tips to keep in mind to help avoid the pain of running out of gas.
- Did you know:
There's a little arrow beside your fuel Gauge in your car to let you know what side your gas tank is on. This tend's to come in real handy when driving a borrowed vehicle or when you are driving a rental vehicle.
- Keep your gas tank no less than ¼ full.
- Fill up before heading out on a long trip or to work as you could get stuck in traffic and have a longer ride than intended.