Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), how it works and why it is so important.

Most of us rely very heavily on our vehicles in our day to day lives. When you do have an unexpected mechanical problem, it does more than inconvenience you - it can bring your schedule to a complete stop! When this happens, you NEED a professional to get you rolling again, but what you WANT is to be dealt with honestly. You want to know what is wrong with the vehicle, what needs to be done and what it will cost. At Glenwood Auto Service, we are committed to providing you exactly that. Be assured, your vehicle will be professionally diagnosed and top quality parts will be installed by technicians with years of experience that you can trust. Follow the link to our promise! 

Glenwood are Trusted Saskatoon Auto Repair & Service specialists

ABS warning light

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS)

The Antilock Braking System or ABS helps the driver maintain the steering control during hard braking on gravel, wet, or icey surfaces. Without the ABS, a car would spin out of control when the wheels lock up during hard braking, especially on slippery surface. The ABS uses wheel speed sensors to monitor the speed of each wheel. If any of the wheels lock up during braking, the ABS quickly releases then applies the braking pressure to the affected wheel, preventing it from locking. If the ABS system doesn't work properly, you will see the ABS warning light on the dash. In Canada, and especially Saskatchewan, it is imperative that your ABS Braking System is working properly during our cold, icy, winter conditions.

Glenwood Auto are your Trusted Saskatoon Auto Repair & Services Professional Your vehicle will be professionally diagnosed and top quality parts will be installed by technicians with years of experience that you can trust