Tag Archives: Anti-lock brakes

What are the Symptoms of Failing Brakes?

What are the Symptoms of Failing Brakes?

You rely on your vehicles brakes to slow or stop your car when you press down on the brake pedal.  Over time, you get to know how your vehicle runs and you'll understand how much time you need to come to a complete stop according to how much pressure you apply to the brake pedal.  However, if you begin to notice that your vehicle starts taking longer to brake, or that there is an annoying squealing sound when braking, these are symptoms not to ignore.   Finding yourself on the road without working brakes can be scary, and is definitely not a situation that most ever think they'll have to experience - and we don't want you to, either!  The best way to keep your brakes healthy is with regular maintenance and inspections.  There are a number of brake system components that will wear down over time that will need to be replaced, and getting them taken care of before they cause you any major issues will keep you safe on the road. &nb ... read more

Cost of Car maintenance compare to the cost of a crash

Cost of Car maintenance compare to the cost of a crash

Staying on top of regular maintenance keeps your vehicle running better for longer. Glenwood Auto are Trusted Saskatoon Auto Repair Experts, and we're ready to help you with all your maintenance needs. In our latest  Saskatoon Auto Tip we share the cost of a crash vs the cost of car maintenance.   Cost of Car maintenance vs Cost of a Crash With the myriad of expenses that we face every day, you may be tempted to put off vehicle maintenance to save a few bucks – and you certainly wouldn’t be alone – but is saving a few bucks worth risking your life? On average, five people die on Canada’s roads each day. Though many of these collisions can be attributed  ... read more

Importance of Wheel Alignment Saskatoon

Importance of Wheel Alignment Saskatoon

Importance of Wheel Alignment A lot of things go into maintaining your vehicle so it performs safely and at its best. Proper wheel alignment is one thing that plays an important role. Wheel alignment affects fuel efficiency, tire wear, tire performance, vehicle handling and maneuverability. Wheel alignment is a big factor in a vehicle's steering response. This leads many to the most frequently asked question about tire alignment, "When should I get an alignment?" There is no absolute answer to the question since all vehicles have different service requirements. A service technician at Glenwood Auto Service will be able to do an alignment check to determine if alignment if necessary. He or she can also give you advice about how often you need to have alignments done ... read more

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), how it works and why it is so important.

Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), how it works and why it is so important.

Most of us rely very heavily on our vehicles in our day to day lives. When you do have an unexpected mechanical problem, it does more than inconvenience you - it can bring your schedule to a complete stop! When this happens, you NEED a professional to get you rolling again, but what you WANT is to be dealt with honestly. You want to know what is wrong with the vehicle, what needs to be done and what it will cost. At Glenwood Auto Service, we are committed to providing you exactly that. Be assured, your vehicle will be professionally diagnosed and top quality parts will be installed by technicians with years of experience that you can trust. Follow the link to our promise!  Glenwood are Trusted Saskatoon Auto Repair & Service specialists Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) The Antilock Braking System or ABS helps the driver maintain the st ... read more